Diva Cup…

OK so first, here’s a review of Diva Cup from Amazon:


Okay, so nearly everyone with a period will tell you NO UNDERWEAR IS SAFE. No matter what you use, no matter what color the underwear is, the blood will find a way to destroy it… UNTIL TODAY.

I wore PRISTINE WHITE AS LILIES PANTIES the other day. And as I was getting ready in the morning I was like "Wait, I’m going to get my period soon. Better cup up to be safe."

I went through my day living my life with no hint or indication that I was bleeding from below, that is until I emptied my cup.

THAT MOTHER WAS FILLED TO THE BRIM. Apparently I had not only gotten my period but the entirety of a Quentin Tarantino film had taken place under my skirt. I’m talking elevator-of-blood-from-horror-masterpiece-The-Shining levels here.

And my snow white panties? NOT A DROP ON THEM. You would have never known my vagina was the battle ground for Freddy Vs. Jason. Needless to say this is the BEST THING for people with periods to avoid holding another mourning session for their favorite pair of undergarments.

Never using pads or tampons again. THANKS DIVACUP!

And let me say this, given that I’m on the rag right now and using my own Diva Cup: YAS KWEEEN!! YAS KWEEEN!!

There is a learning curve, that is true. But once you get into the groove, HOLY CATS what a game changer. 12 EFFING HOURS without having to change, etc! And I feel great! I do not feel crampy or bloated or anything! I can feel that it is there, but it’s somehow different from a tampon. Not much different than the feeling of….wearing a watch on my arm. You just know it’s there, but it doesn’t hurt.

Sleeping with it is awesome; I don’t have to worry about staining the sheets or putting down a towel first.

I may make a permanent change to menstrual cups after this. Yes, I’m 51 now and going through the Change, so I don’t know how often I’ll use this, but hey – if it’s working this well, awesome. Might as well continue to use it.

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